We Make Paying for a Bail Bond Easy
You Just Need to Talk to a Professional Bail Agent
Bail can be expensive, which is why we try to make bail bonds more affordable for our clients. You can talk to an agent by calling 559-674-0444.
Bail can be extremely expensive, which is why bail bond companies exist. Bail bond companies essentially loan their clients the money for the bail and charge only a portion of the bail as payment. In California, bail bond companies charge 10% of the bail. This means, if your loved one’s bail is set at $10,000, the bail bond will only cost $1,000.
While this is a huge price reduction, it can still be a little too much for some people, which is why we at Madera Bail Bond Store work with our clients to make paying for the bond easier. We work with all of our clients to create personalized payment plans that fit their individual budgets. This way, the large and intimidating cost of the bail bond is broken up in to smaller, more manageable monthly payments.
At Madera Bail Bond Store, we allow our clients to pay for the bail bond in a number of different ways. We accept cash, checks, credit, and debit cards. You can use whichever is most convenient for you at the time. On top of that, you can pay in person, or online. At Madera Bail Bond Store, we try to make paying for the bail bond as easy as possible for our clients.